Power Of The Sword

At times the Bible refers to the sword of the Lord as the word of God. As we pray God’s words in the Bible we release what God wants to happen in the spiritual realm. The power we have access to in this direction is amazing. Because of that fact many countries and leaders have attempted to keep the Bible out of the hands of people.

In the 1500s William Tyndale translated the Bible into the English of his day. For that act he was arrested, tried and executed. His dying prayer was that the eyes of the king of England would be opened. Perhaps, because of that prayer we have one of the most beloved Bible translations of all time, the King James Bible, which was an outgrowth of a change in policy by the king of England two years later.

Today, countries like Saudi Arabia and North Korea have outlawed the Bible. Twice while traveling into Saudi Arabia to teach I had my Bible and other Christian materials confiscated. I had to pay a stiff fine just to get the rest of my things out of customs.

Don’t take lightly the precious word of God we have in the Bible and our freedom to own a copy. It is a treasure for all of us to mine.

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